Who am I?

Does the world really need another music blog? Well, maybe not but as an ego trip I'll throw myself into the english-speaking blog scene.
My name is Pär Eriksson and I live and breathe in the northern country of Sweden. My native tounge is not English so you'll probably find some spelling errors and other strange mistakes here. But hopefully I'll make myself understood. Let me know otherwise.

Since this is a music blog I'll give you my musical history.
When I was young my older brother gave me a cassette tape containing som Kiss albums which I listened to over and over again. This early start made me listen to more of the easy accessible hard rock of that era with such bands as Accept, W.A.S.P. and Iron Maiden.
When I began junior high there was only one band to me, namely Led Zeppelin. For a three-year period i barely listened to anything else than Zeppelin.
A friend was very much into Marillion and Pink Floyd. I didn't really appreciate them so I stuck to Zeppelin. But come high school I was stuck. I bought Jethro Tull's "Aqualung" and Emerson, Lake & Palmers "Trilogy" and the world of progressive rock opened. After that I became a prog rock purist, if it wasn't English '70s prog I couldn't care less about it. The works of groups like Yes, Genesis, Camel and King Crimson was the only music that was good enough for me. I still think that the records made by that lot in that decade are some of the best ever made. New swedish prog bands such as Anekdoten, Änglagård and Landberk were discovered and also Rush found their way into my cd-player.
As I gew older my purist view of music softened and I began to listen to Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins and the swedish band Kent.
My present musical taste has taken a more heavier turn and bands like Opeth and Slipknot are two of the bands of that category that I enjoy.

So, that's my musical history for you. I have of course left out many favourites but if you read this blog in the future you'll surely get a taste of what I like?
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